
Des del Gartner Portals, Content and Collaboration Summit 2009 (Londres)

Durant el dia d’avui i demà, dijous, estic participant, conjuntament amb un company del Centre d’Innovació en Productivitat (www.centreproductivitat.cat) a les jornades sobre “Portals, continguts i col·laboració” organitzades per Gartner a Londres.

Aquest matí, en la sessió inaugural, Toby Bell i Debra Logan, de Gartner, han presentat la ponència “Certain Strategies for Uncertain Times” i de la qual he extret algunes sentències /frases que he considerat interessants i que m’agradaria compartir en aquest post (són en anglès – versió original):

By 2012, half of CIOs will measure revenue per IT dollar spent to drive new economic value from IT

Enterprise 2.0: Social Computing starts and ends outside the enterprise

CxOs will never have all the information they need

60% of business leaders think their current enterprise IT capability constraints their choices

Transformation is OUT. Restructuring is IN

Unstructured information is important, and enterprises spend too much as a result

  • 75% of enterprises have 6 or more repositories
  • 34% of enterprises have 3 or more search engines

Businesses are taking social/open/web 2.0 seriously at last

Consumer empowerment and communities

Government is the new emerging market

From ‘casino capitalism’, we are returning to ‘sustainable growth’

CIOs mus restructure and refocus today to rebuild the new business of tomorrow

Success requires CIOs and IT work both ‘in’ and ‘on’ the business

35% of email seats will be delivered by SaaS in 2015

28% of organizations consider Basic Content Services as a mission critical workplace platform today

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